Birthday Sunflower Bouquet


Birthday Sunflower Bouquet from Interflora.


A summer birthday demands just one thing: sunflowers! This bright and joyous bunch will feature at least four of the happiest blooms going, plus a selection of other cheerful colourful flowers. All about their birthday sunflower bouquet > It’s handcrafted Their local florist will use all their skill to craft a beautiful birthday bouquet, made just for them. > Birthday buds might make an appearance Some of their birthday flowers might still be in bud, this is nothing to worry about – it just means they’ll get all the joy of them blooming. > Expect 7 days of birthday joy Their bouquet should be bright and beaming for at least a week. If it’s not, we’ll put it right. > The packaging is planet friendly It’s all recyclable or biodegradable, joy for them and for Mother Nature. > It comes with a cute card Just let us know your birthday wishes. > It’ll arrive ready to bring birthday joy Their florist will make sure their blooms wow from the moment they arrive, no arranging needed. > It could feature lilies If they’re not a fan, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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