Centenary Celebration Bright Bouquet


Centenary Celebration Bright Bouquet from Interflora.


A wondrously vibrant bouquet, specially designed in honour of our 100th birthday. Here for a year, so send them riotous colour while you can. They’re going to be wowed. All about the Centenary Celebration Bright Bouquet > It’s exquisitely handcrafted Their local florist will handcraft a one off using the freshest, brightest blooms. > It includes a limited edition kraft paper Discover amazing moments from our history with an extra special limited edition wrap. > It’s guaranteed to bring joyous colour for 7 days Anything less and we’ll put it right. > They might spot a bud or two They’ll soon open up and show off their colours. > The packaging is planet-friendly Recycle it or compost it. Looks good, does good. > It comes with a beautiful card Let us know your message and the florist will usually handwrite it. We love a personal touch. > It arrives ready to wow No need for arranging, their florist will take care of that. > It might include lilies If that’s not their cup of tea, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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