Centenary Celebration Pastel Bouquet


Centenary Celebration Pastel Bouquet from Interflora.


A profusion of fresh, joyous pastels in honour of our 100th birthday. It’s only here for the year, so don’t miss out on this dreamy bouquet. All about the Centenary Celebration Pastel Bouquet > It’s handcrafted by a local florist They’ll choose the freshest pastel blooms and craft something that’s completely unique. > It includes limited edition kraft paper Discover amazing moments from our history with the limited edition wrap. > It’s guaranteed to look glorious for 7 days We won’t stand for anything less. > It could feature a bud or two These will soon open up and show themselves off. > The packaging is planet-friendly Pop it in the compost or recycling when you’re ready. > It comes with a cute card Just let us know what lovely message you’d like to share. > It arrives expertly arranged All it needs is a vase and fresh water. The florist has done all the hard work. > It could feature lilies Not a fan? No problem. Check out our bouquets without lilies.

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