Handcrafted Summer Bouquet


Handcrafted Summer Bouquet from Interflora.


Summer in a bouquet, their florist will choose the freshest, most vibrant seasonal blooms for this one. All about their summer bouquet > It’s made by hand Local florist + the freshest summer blooms = one gorgeous bouquet, made just for them. > They might see a bud or two If the flowers are still in bud it just means they’re extra fresh and your lucky someone will get to enjoy them blooming. > It’ll bring summer joy for at least 7 days If it doesn’t, we’ll put it right. > The packaging is kind to the planet Recyclable, biodegradable and gorgeous too! > It comes with a card Just let us know your message. > It’ll arrive ready to wow No arranging needed – their florist has taken care of it! > It could feature lilies If they’re not a fan, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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