Luxury Birthday Sunflower Bouquet


Luxury Birthday Sunflower Bouquet from Interflora.


Pull out all the sunshiney stops for their birthday with this beaming, luxury bouquet. A mix of the finest summer flowers in vibrant colours and five of those summer icons: the sunflower. All about their luxury birthday sunflower bouquet > It’s made by hand, by an artisan Their local florist will choose luxury seasonal flowers, plus those joyful sunflowers, and handcraft them into a birthday showstopper bouquet – made just for them. > Birthday buds might feature Some of their blooms might arrive still in bud, it’s nothing to worry about, they’ll soon put on a birthday show. > They’ll get at least 7 days of birthday sun Their bouquet should dazzle for at least a week (hey, birthdays are better when they last a while!) Anything less and we’ll sort it, just let us know. > The packaging is kind to the planet It’s all recyclable or biodegradable, that means joy for them and Mother Nature. > It comes with a cute card Just let us know your birthday wishes. And remember you can always add a full-sized birthday card if you fancy. > It’ll arrive ready to wow Their florist will do all the arranging, so they can bask in the birthday bloom glow right from the off. > It could feature lilies If they’re not a fan, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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