Luxury Handcrafted Summer Bouquet


Luxury Handcrafted Summer Bouquet from Interflora.


Glorious summer blooms, exquisitely arranged by their local florist. Vibrant, joyous sunshine in a bouquet. All about their summer bouquet > It’s made by hand by an artisan Their local florist will choose only the best summer blooms for this stunning bouquet. Their skill in crafting floral magic is amazing. > A bud or two might make an appearance They’ll soon bloom, showing off their summer beauty. > It’ll bring 7 days of delight If it doesn’t, we’ll put it right. Sorry about the rhyming. > The packaging looks good and does good Recyclable, biodegradable and gorgeous. > It comes with a card Just let us know your message. > It’ll arrive ready to wow No arranging needed – their florist has taken care of it! > It could feature lilies If they’re not a fan, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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