Luxury Sunflower Bouquet


Luxury Sunflower Bouquet from Interflora.


If they’re in need of serious sunshine, this is the bouquet for them. A combination of five glorious sunflowers plus a selection of other summer blooms in gloriously bright shades. We’re feeling warmer already… All about their luxury sunflower bouquet > It’s made by an artisan Their local florist will carefully choose the freshest, most vibrant summer blooms to mix with those show stealing sunflowers, in a bouquet made just for them. > It might feature a bud or two Sometimes their flowers will arrive not quite bloomed, it’s nothing to worry about, they’ll soon open up and show themselves off. > It’ll bring 7 days of sunshine This summer stunner should dazzle for at least a week, anything less and we’ll make it right. > It’ll arrive in kind to the planet packaging Recyclable, biodegradable and gorgeous. Now that’s real summer joy. > It comes with a lovely card Just let us know your message. > It’ll arrive ready to shine Their florist does all the hard work of arranging, so they can sit back and enjoy the blooms. > It could feature lilies If they’re not a fan, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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