Pure Luxury Bouquet


Pure Luxury Bouquet from Interflora.


A spectacular display of seasonal blooms, specially chosen by their florist. They’ll choose only the freshest, finest flowers and handcraft them into marvel, made just for them. About their pure luxury bouquet > It’s crafted by hand Their local florist will select every flower by hand and craft it into a floral marvel they’ll never forget. The blooms they choose will depend on the season and what’s looking best, but the bouquet could include hydrangeas, antirrhinums, lisianthus, viburnum, astrantia, clematis, ammi, large headed roses, scabiosa or Eucalyptus > Buds could feature A bouquet this special will feature the freshest flowers, so some may not have bloomed yet. Don’t worry they’ll soon open up and show themselves off. > It’s guaranteed to marvel for at least a week Anything less, let us know and we’ll put it right. > The packaging is planet-friendly It’ll be delivered in one of our fully recyclable signature gift boxes, and wrapped in elegant recyclable kraft paper and biodegradable cellophane. > It includes a lovely card Just let us know your message. Your florist will usually handwrite it for that final personal touch. > It could include lilies If they’re not a fan, have a look at our bouquets without lilies.

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