Ultimate Handcrafted Summer Bouquet


Ultimate Handcrafted Summer Bouquet from Interflora.


Pull out every single summer stop with the ultimate seasonal bouquet. Vibrant, exquisite – it’s a summer wonder! All about their summer bouquet > It’s carefully crafted by hand Their local florist will use all their skills to craft a summer showstopper featuring only the finest, freshest seasonal flowers. > Buds are a-ok Some of the flowers might arrive in bud, all that means is they’re truly fresh and soon they’ll bloom in all their glory. > They’ll get 7 days of joy (at least) Their bouquet is guaranteed to look gorgeous for at least a week, and if it doesn’t last, we’ll put things right. > The packaging is planet friendly Recyclable, biodegradable and gorgeous to boot. > It comes with a cute card Just let us know your message. > It’ll arrive ready to wow Their florist will use all their skill to make it look wonderful, so they won’t need to do any arranging. > It could feature lilies If they’re not a fan, check out our bouquets without lilies.

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