Carnation Celebration Letterbox
A charming bouquet of soft pink and speckled white Carnations, beautifully packaged for delivery through your letterbox.
The Carnation Celebration Letterbox is a delightful blend of elegance and charm, featuring an exquisite mix of soft pink and speckled white Carnations. Each bouquet is delicately accented with lush Eucalyptus stems, creating a stunning display that brings joy to any occasion. Designed with convenience in mind, our letterbox flower gifts are delivered in specially crafted, letterbox-friendly packaging, ensuring they arrive in perfect condition. Wrapped in fully compostable brown paper, this beautiful gift is not only a treat for the eyes but also a sustainable choice for the eco-conscious. Ideal for surprising a loved one or brightening your own day, the Carnation Celebration Letterbox is a thoughtful gesture that speaks volumes.
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