Damson Delight Large Bouquet


A stunning bouquet of 18 vibrant Colombian Carnations in enchanting hues of purple, white, and two-tone pink.

SKU: FDAMSX Category: Tag:


The Damson Delight Large Bouquet is a beautifully arranged selection of 18 bold and long-lasting Colombian Carnations, perfect for brightening someone’s day or celebrating a special occasion. With a delightful mix of colours including rich purples, pristine whites, and charming two-tone pink and white, this bouquet is complemented by elegant purple Ruscus leaves. The unique purple shades may vary slightly depending on availability, ensuring every bouquet is one-of-a-kind. Ideal as a thoughtful gift for anniversaries, birthdays or just to say ‘I care’, the Damson Delight Large Bouquet delivers a message of affection and joy.

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