Serene Dreams Bouquet


A delightful arrangement of soft-toned flowers, perfect for adding elegance to any home.

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The Serene Dreams Bouquet is a breathtaking collection of delicate floral tones, meticulously hand-arranged by our skilled florists with over 40 years of experience. This exquisite bouquet features pristine white roses, fragrant white freesia, and stunning blue iris, all beautifully set against lush green foliage. Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone’s day, this charming arrangement creates a lasting impression that will be cherished long after it’s received. Each bouquet is carefully packaged in our special delivery box to ensure it arrives in impeccable condition. For just £33, indulge in the splendid freshness guaranteed by our 7-day freshness promise, with flowers delivered in bud to ensure longevity. Elevate your gift with the option of a handwritten card, or consider adding extras such as a box of delectable Lindt chocolates, a stylish glass vase, or a cute teddy bear to enhance your thoughtful gesture.

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