Sweet Sunbird Extra Large Bouquet


A vibrant bouquet featuring 24 mixed Carnations in beautiful shades of coral, orange, and cream, perfect for any celebration.

SKU: FCARAUTX Category: Tag:


Introducing the Sweet Sunbird Extra Large Bouquet, a stunning gift designed to brighten any occasion. This exquisite arrangement includes 24 mixed Carnations, showcasing a delightful palette of coral, orange, and cream hues that are sure to bring joy to the recipient. Each bouquet is accompanied by a charming keepsake bird pick, adding a unique and thoughtful touch. We carefully send our Carnations in bud form, ensuring they arrive fresh and ready to bloom, providing maximum vase life. With our guarantee that these lovely flowers will last for at least two weeks, you can be confident that your gift will be cherished and admired long after the celebration.

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