Sensation Lilies Bouquet


A stunning bouquet of vibrant oriental lilies, perfect for any occasion.

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Introducing our Sensation Lilies Bouquet, a magnificent arrangement of fresh, hand-tied oriental lilies that will truly elevate any space with their beauty and delightful fragrance. Priced at just £39.00, these captivating pink lilies arrive bud-ready, ensuring they will last longer and provide an extended period of enjoyment. Ideal for surprising loved ones on special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, these lilies can also serve as a refreshing treat for yourself, brightening up your home or office. Delivered in our specially designed box to guarantee their safe arrival, our Sensation Lilies come with standard delivery included across the UK. Available seven days a week, show someone just how much they mean to you with this beautiful gift. Enhance your purchase with optional extras like delicious Lindt Chocolates, a charming teddy bear, an elegant glass vase, or a heartfelt handwritten card.

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