Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Utility Tech Case


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Utility Tech Case from TruffleShuffle.com.

SKU: 36247 Category: Tag:


When you’re needing a safe and cowabunga place to keep your laptop or other valuable electronic devices to stay secure in on your travels, this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles laptop case should be totally awesome, dudes! Made from durable nylon, whilst your laptop or tablet fits nicely into the main compartment, there’s also slots for your other smaller devices like your phone, and pockets for your charging cables as and when you need them. And of course, there’s a cool print of our four heroes in a halfshell on the side, and a feature pocket with an image reminding you of the one thing you need to go do when it’s time to down tools for the day – kick back with a pizza with your buddies!

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