Wallace And Gromit Shaun The Sheep Tea Cosy


Wallace And Gromit Shaun The Sheep Tea Cosy from TruffleShuffle.com.

SKU: 36079 Category: Tag:


So popular that he eventually ended up with his own spin-off series, there was little doubting that the baa-rilliant Shaun The Sheep was going to become a fan favourite for Wallace and Gromit devotees, when he appeared in their 1995 short film A Close Shave. And to keep your freshly brewed teapot toasty warm is this quirky little tea cosy, made of durable and soft cotton with a print of Shaun on the front and back. And if it’s just you taking tea? In the words of Wallace, it’ll be “All the more for us – and not a sheep to worry us!”

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